Hillbank Holistic Therapies Inverkeithing, Fife

Indian Head Massage

What are the origins of Indian head massage and how is it used today?

Indian head massage originates from an ancient healing system called Ayurveda, which has been in existance for more than 4000 years. It was develpoed in India and is still practiced today to promote family bonding,begining at birth. It is widely used by barbers and is part of pre- wedding ceremonies.Nowadays Indian head massage has been adapted by western culture as a holistic therapy mainly to relieve stress, focusing on massage of the upper body, arms,neck,head and face. A variety of techniques such as circular massage strokes,deep tissue work, acupressure,tapping,chopping,friction rubs and stretching are used to relax and tone the muscles,improve circulation and remove waste products, to allow the body and mind to re-energize and balance.

What happens during an Indian head massage?

At your 1st session a health and lifestyle consultation will be completed to see if you are eligible for treatment, as some medical conditions are contra-indicated.
Treatment is usually carried out over your clothes sitting on a special massage chair. Alternatively, you can request an oil based treatment, which can improve your skin and hair condition and subsequently leave you revitalised. The therapist will select an appropriate oil with your consent to suit your hair and skin condition. You will have to remove upper body clothes for this treatment, but you will be given a wrap around towel to protect your modesty.

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